Saunawelt Feurig & hitzig.

Stop and capture the moment. Put your thoughts on hold and gain new insights. Take a journey into yourself Or dwell upon the idea of placing yourself at the forefront for once. Take regard of nothing. Instead, look ahead. Look inside. Enjoy the interplay of hot temperatures, gentle aromatic vapours, pure fitness and wonderful relaxation rooms throughout your whole holiday in the magnificent sauna world at the Hotel Kvarner Palace.

Wellness vacation on the Croatian Adriatic

The sauna world in the 4-star Hotel Kvarner Palace

Exquisitely-designed and perfectly staged through the calming interplay of gold to sandy beige right up to delicate pink and brown tones also imparts inner warmth like a gentle wave. You will discover a feeling of inner flow, an opening of energy paths, immersion and uplift. In new forms of balance, harmony and inner peace. From the heated Feng-Shui loungers, to cooling off in the wonderfully cool water.

Our sauna landscape comprises a wonderful relaxation room, two saunas, a steam bath and heated Feng-Shui loungers.