Heilklima & Geschichte Regeneration und Wellnessurlaub in Kroatien.

Here, where the healthy sea breeze mixes with the refreshing mountain air, the warmth draws wonderful scents from the earth and the Mediterranean plant world shares its aromatic substances, is where health is at home. And this has been the case for a long time.

Your health hotel by the sea in Croatia

The 4-star Hotel Kvarner Palace

The Kvarner Bay is ideal for treating allergies, asthma and skin diseases – within the scope of a wellness, beach, family or romantic holiday – just as you wish.

People already came here in the nineteenth century and they are still coming today: to enjoy the quality of the climate and the air here by the Adriatic Sea and to take a piece of improved quality of life home as a souvenir. What was already successfully practised by Hippocrates in ancient Greece, and likewise by the doctors of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, is still effective and also verified: the maritime healing climate of the Kvarner region has a positive effect on the airways, and the energy of the sea and its substances alleviate skin and bone disorders.

In alpine tranquillity

Water sports on Lake Zell

Crikvenica wurde genauso wie Abbazia bereits 1889, schließlich im Jahr 1901 offiziell zum „Curort“ ernannt.

An der Küste hier und auf den Inseln bereichern nachweislich mehr als 200 verschiedene Heilpflanzen die Aerosole in der Luft, winzige Schwebeteilchen, die sich positiv auf den gesamten Atmungsapparat auswirken: Kiefern, Tamarisken, Salbei, Rosmarin, Lavendel, Myrte, Thymian, Oregano und Johanniskraut zählen dazu. 2.500 Sonnenstunden, die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit und eine hohe Mineralstoffkonzentration an Salz, Jod, Magnesium und Spurenelementen tun ihr Übriges, um hier wahrlich von Luft und Liebe zu leben.